Monday, September 28, 2009



Marcus.(2009, May 31). Fashion suggestions that will make easier for you to look thinner with no losing weight. Retrieved September 17, 2009, from


In this article, " Fashion suggestions that will make easier for you to look thinner with no losing weight," it states that losing weight is not easy, but people can appear to have a slender figure according to how people wear clothes. First, people had better wear dark clothes and spanx clothes to look like a thin person; it could be uncomfortable. Next, the author says that people think that bigger clothes than people's body shape and very tight clothes make you appear to have a slim body, but you look like a fatter person. Moreover, low rise jeans also make you appear to have a longer and slimmer stomach and some clothes which have patterns are good because pattern clothes can have an optical illusion for a slim person. In addition, when women wear high heels and women and men have a nice pose, they seem taller and thinner. In conclusion, people can show good shape without diet by wearing dress.


These days most people take a growing interest in slim shape; also they always want to be in great shape. I am also concerned about slim shape. Therefore, I know that I have to do exercise and not overeat food for good shape, but it is not easy for me. Therefore, when I pick clothing, I consider some of my problems in my body. The author says, "Say no to badly fitted outfit," before I read this article, I used to wear loose clothes, because I thought loose clothes helped to hide my body problems, but it was my mistake. In last year loose clothes were much in fashion to most women in Korea. Maybe this year also if is popular to wear loose clothes. However, women who want to appear to have a slim shape had better know that loose clothes may show bigger women than their own shape. Moreover, this article mentions good posture. I agree with it because when someone who does not have pride about their own body shape walks on street, they avoid people's gaze or do not go out well. However, they are supposed to have pride in their shape. Also, when people walk on the street, they had better walk in grand style. People have to love their shape. If people love their own body, they appear to be in good shape. This article gave me good ideas and I want to recommend if to people.

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